Our instant blood powder creates simulated blood is easily prepared on-site and perfect for moulage and setting
In our training scenarios we use our own instant simulation blood powder. The simulated blood is realistic, easily pepared on-site in large amounts and perfect for the finishing effects of moulage and setting.
The simulation blood is water-based and washes off easily. It is non-toxic and can be used in all settings.
We use two main types of blood: Environmental and moulage. The environmental sim-blood can be poured in large quantities in the setting, realistically simulating blood loss, and the moulage sim-blood is thickened on-site to the needed consistency and used on the patient and wounds.
SiMedic Sim-blood for setting
Each vial contains 5 cc that prepares approximately 2 liters of blood.
To prepare:
Pour the content of the vial into a 2-liter water bottle
Shake well
The sim-blood is ready for use.
SiMedic Sim-blood for Moulage
Each mini bottle of moulage sim-blood prepares approximately 500-750 ml. of blood, depending on the consistency chosen.
To prepare:
Pour a small amount of powder into a cup or container
Add water
Mix and wait 5 minutes until your preferred consistency is reached.
The sim-blood is ready for use.
For a thicker consistency, add powder.
For a thinner consistency - add water.
SiMedic Portable Blood Puddle
Our portable blood puddles are made out of strong, flexible silicone. It is especially useful for simulation centers and in other places where liquid simulated blood cannot be used.
To prepare:
1. Place by your simulated patient.
Your scenario is now ready :-)

