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Writer's pictureSiMedic Trauma

Effects for Mass Casualty Incident Drill by SiMedic - In Under 30 Minutes

From the article:

"The largest drill ever by the emergency medical teams in Gush Etzion took place this week in the EEMC.

Scores of medics, physicians, psychologists, soldiers and firefighters, as well as the Efrat and Gush Etzion security forces participated in a drill with the scenario of an accident between two buses in Efrat.

Over fifty simulated injured patients with different wounds arrived in ambulances from all over the region to the EEMC, where they received care."

SiMedics specially designed MCI drill kits enabled actors to achieve the main trauma effects, including instructions for clinically correct dynamic patient interaction, in less than ten minutes. SiMedic moulage artists added extra effects.

The trauma effects for over 50 simulated patients was complete within less than 30 minutes.


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