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May 2, 2018

Medical Students Complete  Trauma Training with SiMedic MCI Drill

Sixth-year medical students participated in a high-fidelity MCI drill as part of their emergency trauma training course.

The SiMedic Trauma team provided end-to-end solution including dynamic patient scenarios involving over 30 simulated patients.

The drill began with a realistic MCI shooting and explosion scenario in a park setting, and later the 'patients' were evacuated by ambulance to the trauma center where the drill continued.

April 16, 2018

Active Bleeding Trauma Solutions Demonstrated in Live Shooting Scenario

SiMedic Trauma active bleeding solutions were successfully integrated in a drill demonstrated by United Hatzalah in the Kaliber 3 shooting range in Gush Etzion.

The scenario involved demonstrating two separate incidents involving a shooting and stabbing of bystanders in real time and first-aid given in different types of active bleeding.


SiMedic Trauma realistic effects connected to our field-friendly bleeding systems were used as the actors quickly prepared for the scenario, then mingled with the crowd. As the demonstration began the wounds were revealed and began to bleed copiously. Tactical teams from Caliber 3 and United Hatzalah first response teams demonstrated bleeding control using different methods as appropriate for different wounds, including direct pressure, wound-packing and tourniquet use to great effect. 


"The bleeding wound I tried to stop with wound packing was so realistic", said E. a senior tactical fighter and shooting instructor, "I've felt the real thing and this was just like it. It really helped set the mood." 

March 27, 2018

SiMedic Trauma Provides HFS for IDF Medical Officers Training Drill

SiMedic Trauma Solutions provided high-fidelity simulation solutions for the military this week for a large training drill in the field. The MCI scenario, involving a tank and active shooting, included a wide range of injuries. 

As our complete MCI packets were used, the simulated patients were ready within minutes - complete with realistic simulated wounds, additional effects and subtle signs  as appropriate per injury, as well as individual instructions for dynamic patient condition.

During the drill, the medical teams demonstrated to trainees complete care protocols.

"We have never been able to practice with this degree of realism out here in the field before", said M., an IDF medic. "It was definitely an excellent learning experience, I look forward to seeing what we will get to practice next."

March 6, 2018

Elite Combat Unit Drill Uses SiMedic Solutions With Great Success

One of Israel's elite combat unites (to remain un-named) integrated SiMedic's wearable wounds in a highly realistic drill this month.

The teams were able to use the simulated injuries within their active combat scenarios due to the quick and easy application. The high realism achieved introduced the medical teams to a high-fidelity training activity.

We look forward to continuing to provide our services to these special teams.

SiMedic Introduces Innovative Trauma Solutions At IPRED-V Conference

January 15-16 2018

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SiMedic Trauma presented innovative trauma simulation solutions at the 5th International Conference on Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters (IPRED), which took place on January 2018 in Tel Aviv.

The conference, hosted every two years by the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Home Front Command, was attended by professionals from Israel and from over 30 countries across the globe.

The participants were invited to view, touch and even try on the different trauma effects.

The SiMedic Trauma team is looking forward to providing the unique trauma simulation solutions to civilian and military trauma simulation needs across the world.

November 21 2017

Effects for Mass Casualty Incident Drill by SiMedic - In Under 30 Minutes

“The largest drill ever by the emergency medical teams in Gush Etzion took place this week in the EEMC.

Scores of medics, physicians, psychologists, soldiers and firefighters, as well as the Efrat and Gush Etzion security forces participated in a drill with the scenario of an accident between two buses in Efrat.

Over fifty simulated injured patients with different wounds arrived in ambulances from all over the region to the EEMC, where they received care.”

SiMedics specially designed MCI drill kits enabled actors to achieve the main trauma effects, including instructions for clinically correct dynamic patient interaction, in less than ten minutes. SiMedic moulage artists added extra effects.

The trauma effects for over 50 simulated patients was complete within less than 30 minutes.

To read more about the drill and view photos -




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